Thursday, June 9, 2011

Anna - 5 months

Anna Bug just turned 5 months old this past week.  She is growing so fast.  She is such a blessing and we love her!  Some facts about her at this stage:

-She can roll from back to tummy and then back
-Finds her pacifier and puts it back into her mouth (sometimes)
-She eats infant cereal two times a day, breakfast and dinner, and has a couple tablespoons of veggies or fruit with the evening cereal.
-She has tried bananas, sweet potatoes and apples.  She ate them all, but didn't seem really thrilled about any of them.
-She nurses 6-ish times in a 24 hr period
-She sleeps from about 9:00pm to 2:30am, then nurses and is back to sleep until around 7:30 or 8am.  She sleeps on her side mostly.
-She naps in the morning from around 9 to 10 and then in the afternoon from 2 to 3.  Sometimes she may sleep a little around lunch too.
-She is enamoured with her big sister and lights up whenever Leah is around
-She smiles all the time and is very talkative
-She gives big, open-mouthed kisses on your cheek and nose
-She likes to bite her toes and does not suck her thumb as much as she used to.
-Her first two teeth (the two bottom ones) came in within a day of each other about 2 weeks ago and they are SHARP!

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