Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Anna Grace at One Year Old

Anna had her 1 year check up at the doctor this past week.  She is a growing, healthy girl and we are SO thankful for that!  The Lord has most certainly blessed us with this special young lady and each day is a joy to be around her.  She weighs 23 pounds 6 ounces and is 30.9 inches tall.  That puts her in 90th percentile for both height and weight, so she is larger than most children her age, but proportional.

She did receive three shots (tears...), but handled them well and was only fussy for one day.  She is currently in the process of cutting all four molars which has interrupted her sleep a little and caused her some pain.

Each day, she says a new word (or two) it seems.  This morning she said "melmo" for Elmo and pushed my hand away when I tried to give her more Cheerios, saying "nana" meaning she wanted more bananas, not Cheerios. 

She adapts well in different situations.  Anna loves to play with her sister, but also likes her alone time to play.  Sometimes Leah can be a little rough without realizing and Anna likes to play alone at times without worrying about being knocked down or pushed over.  She's pretty steady on her feet these days, and can just about run.

Her current facination is with dogs.  She says "doggie" and sticks her tongue out and pants when she sees a dog or hears a dog, or sees something that looks like a dog (like a goat?).  Pretty funny.

Quiet Around Here

Things have been fairly quiet and routine around our house the past several weeks.  Leah's been going to morning preschool three days a week.  Anna and I have been doing our normal weekly chores during that time.  Sometimes, it's nice not to have things to blog about...meaning things are going smoothly and calmly along. 

We've been visiting some churches in our town for Sunday worship.  We love our Greensboro church, but sometimes the drive is too much.  Craig already has to drive 5, sometimes 6 days a week to GSO for work.  While each church has had it's good qualities, I don't think we've found "the one" yet.  If you have any recommendations, please let me know.

Til next time...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Homemade Bread

I don't make New Years resolutions.  I hate setting myself up for failure and disappointment.  So, instead I make New Years recommendations.  This year I had a list of several things I wanted to try to do or try to make.  One of them was homemade bread.  I have fond memories of my Nana making bread. 

My first attempt went pretty well.  I made two large loaves of whole wheat bread and two small loves of whole wheat cinnamon swirl bread.  Both were pretty dang good.  It's pretty much an all-day job, waiting for it to rise, then punching it down, and rising again....but so worth that warm bread smell when it's in the oven!

Another Party for the Birthday Girl!

Saturday we had Anna's birthday party for our extended family.  We held it at our church which provided more room and a central location for our guests.  We had some snacks and cake, of course.  Anna got lots of clothes and toys, and several books.  Great gifts!  We are so thankful for our family.

Leah never slowed down enough for me to take a picture of her.  This is the best I got.


Happy 1st Birthday Anna Grace!

Anna turned 1 year old on Thursday (Jan. 5th).  We had a nice family dinner and a few presents for her.  Minnie, Papa, Aunt Meredith, and Ya-Ya came over for baked ziti, salad, bread, applesauce and cake. We had a fun time and enjoyed celebrating our little one's very first birthday party.

Anna's checking out her new toy organizer from Mommy and Daddy.  We took the changing table out of her room since she's growing up and decided she needed somewhere to keep her new toys she got for Christmas.

Ya-Ya brought a great present!  Both girls have enjoyed taking rides on the bus.

Anna Grace has a definite sweet tooth.  No playing around with this cake...she ate every crumb.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Anna turned 1 year old on Thursday!  Stay tuned for several birthday related posts.  Hoping to have them up this evening.